Displays IPv4 IGMP snooping information.

show ip multicast

User EXEC mode

You can use the show ip multicast command to display information for VLANs.

The following example shows IGMP snooping information.

device# show ip multicast
Summary of all vlans. Please use "sh ip mu vlan <vlan-id>" for details
Version=2, Intervals: Query=125, Group Age=260, Max Resp=10, Other Qr=255,
                      Leave Wait=2, Robustness=2

Replication resource sharing: Enabled.
VL20: dft V2, vlan cfg active, 0 grp, 0 (*G) cache, rtr ports,
    router ports: e1/1/5(220),
My Query address: None
Vlan Querier address not configured. Ve/Loopback address also not available.
VL30: dft V2, vlan cfg active, 0 grp, 0 (*G) cache, no rtr port,
Vlan Querier address configured:
VL40: dft V2, vlan cfg passive, 0 grp, 0 (*G) cache, no rtr port,
Vlan Querier address not configured. Ve/Loopback address also not available.
VL120 no snoop: no global or local config
VL200 no snoop: no global or local config

Release version Command history
08.0.50 The output of this command was modified to display the robustness variable, leave-wait timer, and the My Query address field.
08.0.30 This command was modified to display information for unregistered flooding.