Configures a priority value for the device. This value is used along with other factors to determine controller election if a stack failover or merge occurs.

priority num
no priority

The priority value for the active controller and standby device is 128.

Possible values are 0 to 255. Lower values assign a lower priority to the device, and higher values assign a higher priority to the device.

Stack unit configuration mode

The no form of the command restores the default priority value to the device (128). You do not have to specify the default value when using the no form.

A unit that has a relatively high priority value is more likely to be elected to be the active controller.

When you change the priority value assigned to a stack unit, the value takes effect immediately but does not affect the active controller until the next reset.

When the active and standby controller have the same priority value, other factors affect controller election, such as up-time and number of members controlled.

The following example assigns a priority value of 130 to stack unit 1.

device(Config)# stack unit 1
device(Config-unit-1)# priority 130
Release version Command history
08.0.01 This command was introduced.