Configures a Remote Switched Port Analyzer (RSPAN) destination port for port mirroring.

rspan destination { ethernet unit/slot/port | lag lag-id }
no rspan destination { ethernet unit/slot/port | lag lag-id }

No RSPAN destination port is configured.

ethernet unit/slot/port
Specifies the Ethernet interface and the interface ID in the unit/slot/port format.
lag lag-id
Specifies the LAG virtual interface.

RSPAN configuration mode

The configured VLAN must not be a user VLAN. The destination Interface must be a member port for the RSPAN VLAN.

The no form of the command deletes the port mirroring destination port for the specified interface.

The following example configures Ethernet interface 1/1/2 as an RSPAN destination port for a switch.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# rspan-vlan 4000
device(config-rspan-vlan)# tagged ethernet 1/1/2
device(config-rspan-vlan)# rspan destination ethernet 1/1/2
Release version Command history
08.0.80 This command was introduced.