Displays information about the configured forwarding profile.

show forwarding-profile { config | details }
Specifies information about the configured forwarding profile.
Specifies detailed information about the predefined forwarding profiles.

User EXEC mode

This command is supported for ICX 7850 and ICX 7550 devices only.

The following example shows information about the configured forwarding profile for an ICX 7850 device. Because a specified forwarding profile has not been configured, the default forwarding profile is used.

ICX7850> show forwarding-profile config

No profile has been configured. The default profile profile1 is being used
Parameter-name                  profile1
mac                                32768
ip-route                          307200
ip6-route                          11264
igmp-snoop-mcache                   6144
igmp-snoop-group-add                8192
mld-snoop-mcache                    6144
mld-snoop-group-addr                8192
pim-hw-mcache                       6144
pim6-hw-mcache                      2048
hw-ip-next-hop                     62464

The following example shows detailed information about the predefined forwarding profiles for an ICX 7850 device.

ICX7850> show forwarding-profile details 

Parameter-name               profile1       profile2       profile3       profile4
mac                             32768         294912          56320         163840
ip-route                       307200          16384          43008         131072
ip6-route                       11264           4096          35840          11264
igmp-snoop-mcache                6144           6144           6144           6144
igmp-snoop-group-addr            8192           8192           8192           8192
mld-snoop-mcache                 6144           6144           6144           6144
mld-snoop-group-addr             8192           8192           8192           8192
pim-hw-mcache                    6144           6144           8192           6144
pim6-hw-mcache                   2048           2048           8192           2048
hw-ip-next-hop                  62464          47104          57344          40960
Default                           YES             NO             NO             NO
When uRPF feature is enabled, above IPv4 and IPv6 routes scale numbers will become half

The following example shows information about the configured default forwarding profile because a non-default forwarding profile has not been configured for an ICX 7550 device.

ICX7550> show forwarding-profile config

Currently configured and in-use profile is profile2
Parameter-name                  profile2
mac                               114688
ip-route                            8192
ip6-route                           2048
igmp-snoop-mcache                   6144
igmp-snoop-group-add                6144
mld-snoop-mcache                    8192
mld-snoop-group-addr                8192
pim-hw-mcache                       6144
pim6-hw-mcache                      2048
hw-ip-next-hop                     21504

The following example shows detailed information about the predefined forwarding profiles for an ICX 7550 device.

ICX7550> show forwarding-profile details

Parameter-name               profile1       profile2       profile3
mac                             16384         114688          32768
ip-route                        97280           8192          21504
ip6-route                        8192           2048          17408
igmp-snoop-mcache                6144           6144           6144
igmp-snoop-group-addr            6144           6144           6144
mld-snoop-mcache                 8192           8192           8192
mld-snoop-group-addr             8192           8192           8192
pim-hw-mcache                    6144           6144           6144
pim6-hw-mcache                   2048           2048           2048
hw-ip-next-hop                  21504          21504          21504
Default                           YES             NO             NO
Release version Command history
08.0.90 This command was introduced for ICX 7850 devices.
08.0.95 Support was added for ICX 7550 devices. For ICX 7850 devices, output was added for “Profile3” and “Profile4”.