Displays the fetched logs.

show log debug [ module | sub-module | severity | unit-id | date-time ]
Displays the logs of a specified module or list of modules (separated by commas). Enter "all" to include all modules.
Displays the logs of a specified sub-module or list of sub-modules (separated by commas). You must enter "all" if multiple modules are specified. If only a single module is specified, then specify a single sub-module or list of sub-modules (separated by commas) belonging to the module.
Specifies the severity level or list of severity levels (separated by commas) by which logs are displayed. Enter "all" to include all severity levels.
Displays the logs of a unit or list of units (separated by commas). Enter "all" to aggregate the result from all units. If none of the units are specified, then logs of the local unit are displayed.
Displays the logs that are generated after the specified date and time. The format is month_date_hh:mm:ss:ms.

Privileged EXEC mode

If a fetch operation is not run or the fetched logs have been cleared, local logs are displayed.

The following example displays the fetched logs from the infra module on unit 2.

device# show log debug infra all all 2
May 27 23:45:47:103991:debug:infra:log_clf:8:0: test log 999 infra log_clf debug:
May 27 23:45:47:103973:debug:infra:log_clf:8:0: test log 998 infra log_clf debug:
May 27 23:45:47:103955:debug:infra:log_clf:8:0: test log 997 infra log_clf debug:
May 27 23:45:47:103936:debug:infra:log_clf:8:0: test log 996 infra log_clf debug:
May 27 23:45:47:103918:debug:infra:log_clf:8:0: test log 995 infra log_clf debug:

The following example displays the fetched logs from the security sub-module on unit 2.

device# show log debug security security_sub all 2
May 27 23:45:47:754768:debug:security:security_sub:8:0: test log 999 security security_sub debug:
May 27 23:45:47:754749:debug:security:security_sub:8:0: test log 998 security security_sub debug:
May 27 23:45:47:754731:debug:security:security_sub:8:0: test log 997 security security_sub debug:
May 27 23:45:47:754713:debug:security:security_sub:8:0: test log 996 security security_sub debug:
May 27 23:45:47:754695:debug:security:security_sub:8:0: test log 995 security security_sub debug:

The following example displays the fetched logs generated after a specific time.

device# show log debug all all all 1 May_27_18:02:10:700919
May 27 22:46:11:564818:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 999 nms lldp debug:
May 27 22:46:11:564776:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 998 nms lldp debug:
May 27 22:46:11:564735:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 997 nms lldp debug:
May 27 22:46:11:564693:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 996 nms lldp debug:
May 27 22:46:11:564651:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 995 nms lldp debug:
May 27 22:46:11:564603:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 994 nms lldp debug:
May 27 22:46:11:564561:debug:nms:lldp:1:622770257921: test log 993 nms lldp debug:
Release version Command history
08.0.95 This command was introduced.