Displays information about IGMP groups.

show ip multicast [ cluster ] group [ group-address [ detail ] [ tracking ] ]
Specifies a multi-chassis trunking (MCT) cluster.
Specifies information for a particular group.
Specifies detailed IGMP group information for a specific group.
Specifies tracking information on interfaces that have tracking enabled.

Privileged EXEC mode

The show ip multicast group command displays the following information:

Output Field



The address of the group (destination address in this case,


The physical port on which the group membership was received.


Yes indicates that the IGMP group was configured as a static group; No means the address was learned from reports.


Yes means the port is a querier port; No means it is not. A port becomes a non-querier port when it receives a query from a source with a lower source IP address than the device.


The number of seconds the group can remain in EXCLUDE mode. An EXCLUDE mode changes to INCLUDE mode if it does not receive an "IS_EX" or "TO_EX" message during a certain period of time. The default is 260 seconds. There is no life displayed in INCLUDE mode.


Indicates current mode of the interface: INCLUDE or EXCLUDE. If the interface is in INCLUDE mode, it admits traffic only from the source list. If an interface is in EXCLUDE mode, it denies traffic from the source list and accepts the rest.


Identifies the source list that will be included or excluded on the interface.

For example, if an IGMP V2 group is in EXCLUDE mode with a source of 0, the group excludes traffic from the 0 (zero) source list, which actually means that all traffic sources are included.

The following example shows that an IGMP V2 group is in EXCLUDE mode with a source of 0. The group excludes only traffic from the 0 (zero) source list, which means that all traffic sources are included.

Device# show ip multicast group
p-:physical, ST:static, QR:querier, EX:exclude, IN:include, Y:yes, N:no
VL70 : 3 groups, 4 group-port, tracking_enabled
      group            p-port   ST     QR     life mode    source
1        1/1/33   no     yes    120  EX      0
2        1/1/33   no     yes    120  EX      0
3        1/1/35   yes    yes    100  EX      0
4        1/1/33   yes    yes    100  EX      0

The following example displays detailed IGMP group information for multicast group

Device# show ip multicast group detail
Display group in all interfaces in details.
p-:physical, ST:static, QR:querier, EX:exclude, IN:include, Y:yes, N:no
VL70 : 1 groups, 2 group-port, tracking_enabled
      group            p-port   ST     QR     life mode    source
1        1/1/35   yes    yes    120  EX      0
    group:, EX, permit 0 (source, life):
      life=120, deny 0:
      group            p-port   ST     QR     life mode    source
2        1/1/33   yes    yes    120  EX      0
    group:, EX, permit 0 (source, life):
      life=120, deny 0:

The following example displays the list of clients that belong to multicast group when tracking and fast leave are enabled:

Device# show ip multicast group tracking
Display group in all interfaces with tracking enabled.
p-:physical, ST:static, QR:querier, EX:exclude, IN:include, Y:yes, N:no
VL70 : 1 groups, 1 group-port, tracking_enabled
      group            p-port   ST     QR     life mode    source
*** Note: has 1 static groups to the entire vlan, not displayed here
1        1/1/33   no     yes    100  EX      0
    receive reports from 1 clients: (age)
      ( 60)

The following example displays information for a device in an MCT cluster, In the “local” column, YES indicates that report/leave were received on local ports [cluster-edge ports (CEP) or cluster-client-edge ports (CCEP)]; NO indicates that report/leave were received on a port that is an inter-chassis link (ICL) between the MCT cluster switches, via an MCT peer.

Device#show ip multicast cluster group
p-:physical, ST:static, QR:querier, EX:exclude, IN:include, Y:yes, N:no
VL70 : 1 groups, 1 group-port
      group            p-port   ST     QR     life  mode    source     local     
1        e1/3/10  no     no     260   EX      0          YES
2        e1/3/12  no     yes    40    EX      0          NO
Release version Command history
08.0.20 This command was modified to display MCT cluster information.