distribute-list prefix-list (OSPFv3)

Applies a prefix list to OSPF for IPv6 routing updates. Only routes permitted by the prefix-list can go into the routing table.

distribute-list prefix-list list-name in [ ethernet unit/slot/port | lag lag-id | loopback number | tunnel number | ve virtual port number ]
no distribute-list prefix-list

Prefix lists are not applied to OSPFv3 for IPv6 routing updates.

Name of a prefix-list. The list defines which OSPFv3 networks are to be accepted in incoming routing updates.
Applies the prefix list to incoming routing updates on the specified interface.
ethernet unit/slot/port
Specifies an Ethernet interface.
lag lag-id
Specifies a LAG virtual interface.
loopback number
Specifies a loopback interface and port number.
tunnel number
Specifies a tunnel.
ve virtual port number
Specifies a virtual Ethernet (VE) interface.

OSPFv3 router configuration mode

OSPFv3 VRF router configuration mode

The no form of the command removes the prefix list.

The following example configures a distribution list that applies the filterOspfRoutes prefix list globally.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ipv6 router ospf
device(config-ospf6-router)# distribute-list prefix-list filterOspfRoutes in
Release version Command history
08.0.61 This command was modified to add lag lag-id options.