Enables Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) and configures BFD session parameters for IP static routes.

ip route bfd nexthop-ip-addr [ min-tx transmit-time min-rx receive-time multiplier number ] [ multi-hop local-ip-address ] [passive ]
no ip route bfdnexthop-ip-addr [ min-tx transmit-time min-rx receive-time multiplier number ] [ multi-hop local-ip-address ] [passive ]

BFD is not configured for IP static routes.

Specifies the next-hop IP address for the IP static route.
min-tx transmit-time
Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, a device waits to send control packets to BFD peers. Valid values range from 50 through 50000 milliseconds. The default is 300.
min-rx receive-time
Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, a device waits to receive control packets from BFD peers. Valid values range from 50 through 50000 milliseconds. The default is 300.
multiplier number
Specifies the number of consecutive BFD control packets that must be missed from a BFD peer before BFD determines that the connection to that peer is down. Valid values range from 2 through 50. The default is 3.
Specifies a multi-hop BFD session.
Specifies a local source IP address to use for the multi-hop BFD session.
Specifies that the BFD session operates in passive mode.

Address family IPv4 VRF configuration mode

Global configuration mode

BFD must be configured individually for each static route.

It is recommended to use the default values.

This command is supported for RUCKUS ICX 7750 and ICX 7850 devices. The no form of the command removes the configured BFD session parameters.

The following example configures a BFD session on an IP static route. The default BFD session timer values are applied.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ip route bfd
device(config)# ip route bfd 

The following example configures a BFD session on an IP static route and sets specific BFD session parameters.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ip route bfd
device(config)# ip route bfd min-tx 280 min-rx 280 multiplier 4 

The following example configures a BFD multi-hop session on an IP static route and sets specific BFD session parameters.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ip route bfd
device(config)# ip route bfd multi-hop min-tx 280 min-rx 280 multiplier 4

The following example sets a BFD multi-hop session as passive.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ip route bfd
device(config)# ip route bfd multi-hop passive

The following example configures a BFD session for an IP static route in a non-default VRF instance.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ip route vrf white bfd
Release version Command history
08.0.90 This command was introduced.