Creates an Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) profile and enters IKEv2 profile configuration mode.

ikev2 profile name
no ikev2 profile name

The default IKEv2 profile is def-ike-profile.

Specifies the name of an IKEv2 profile.

Global configuration mode

An IKEv2 profile defines the local and peer identities and the authentication proposal for an IKEv2 session.

The default IKEv2 profile (def-ike-profile) does not require configuration and has the following settings:
  • authentication: def-ike-auth-prop
  • protected: Any
  • local-identifier address:
  • lifetime: 2592000
  • keepalive: 300

Use the ikev2 profile command to configure any additional IKEv2 profiles.

The no form of the command removes any IKEv2 profile configuration other than the default IKEv2 profile.

The default IKEv2 profile cannot be removed.

The following example shows how to create an IKEv2 profile named ikev2_profile1.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ikev2 profile ikev2_profile1
Release version Command history
08.0.50 This command was introduced.