Enables per VLAN to CPU filtering of MLD and PIMv6 packets for MLD Snooping (PIMv6-SM Snooping).

ipv6 multicast per-vlan filter-to-cpu
no ipv6 multicast per-vlan filter-to-cpu

Packet filtering to the CPU for a VLAN is disabled..

Global configuration mode

The command is applicable for ICX 7650 and ICX 7750 devices only.

After using this command a reload may be required. If a reload is required, this requirement appears after the command is executed.

The no form of the command disables packet filtering to the CPU for a VLAN.

The following example enables packet filtering to the CPU for a VLAN. A reload is required.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# ipv6 multicast per-vlan filter-to-cpu 

Reload required.  Please write memory and then reload or power cycle.
 Enble of feature reduce ACL scale number and  may impact already configured ACL.
Release version Command history
08.0.90 This command was introduced.