Specifies the Avaya IP telephony data options in the DHCP server pool.

ip-telephony data mcipadd ip-address [ tftpsrvr server-ip-address | httpsrvr server-ip-address | tlssrvr server-ip-address | mcport portnum | l2qaud prio | l2qsig prio | l2qvlan vlan-id | vlantest secs ]
no ip-telephony voice mcipadd ip-address [ tftpsrvr server-ip-address | httpsrvr server-ip-address | tlssrvr server-ip-address | mcport portnum | l2qaud prio | l2qsig prio | l2qvlan vlan-id | vlantest secs ]
mcipadd ip-address
IP address of the gatekeeper. Atleast one IP address is required.
mcport portnum
Specifies IP telephony server port number. The default is 1719.
tftpsrvr/httpsrvr/tlssrvr server ip-address
Specifies the IP addresses of the TFP, HTTP, and TLS servers.
l2qaud or l2qsig prio
L2QAUD is the IP telephony L2 audio priority value. L2QSIG is the IP telephony L2 signaling priority value. This range is from 1 through 6. The default value is 6.
l2qvlan vlan-id
Specifies the IP telephony L2QVLAN number. The default is 0.
vlantest secs
The number of seconds a phone attempts to return to the previously known voice VLAN. This is not applicable for the default VLAN.

DHCP server pool configuration mode

You must enter the MCIP address. The other parameters are optional.

The no form of the command removes the parameters from the DHCP server pool.

The following example configures the MCIP address and MCPORT number for IP telephony data.

device(config)# ip dhcp-server pool cabo
device(config-dhcp-cabo)# ip-telephony data mcipadd mcport 1719
Release version Command history
08.0.40 This command was introduced.