Displays basic information on clients registered with the Health Monitor service

hmon status

Privileged EXEC mode

Diagnostic commands are developed and intended for specialized troubleshooting. Ruckus recommends that you work closely with Ruckus Technical Support in executing diagnostic commands and interpreting their results.

The stack role displayed by the hmon status command should be the same as the stack role displayed by the show stack command for the same ICX device.

The hmon status command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Hmon's Stack Role The role of the ICX device in the stack derived from the FastIron operating system (Standalone, Active controller, Standby, Member)
Number of Clients Total applications or processes registered as Health Monitor clients
Client Names (ID) The name and registration number of Health Monitor clients

The following example displays Health Monitor information for an ICX standalone device.

device# hmon status
Health Monitor Status: 
Hmon's Stack Role is : Standalone
Number of Clients    : 4

Client Names (ID) : 
	nginx (4)
	uwsgi-2.7 (5)
	PySzAgtSrv.py (6)
	dhcpd (3)
Release version Command history
08.0.90 This command was introduced.