Clears the static neighbor discovery (ND) inspect entries and ND inspection statistics.

clear ipv6 neighbor [ vrf vrf-name ] inspection [ static-entry | statistics ]
Specifies the VRF instance (optional).
Specifies the ID of the VRF instance required with vrf .
Specifies that the neighbor discovery messages are verified against the static ND inspection entries or dynamically learned DHCPv6 snoop entries.
Clears the manually configured static ND inspect entries that are used to validate the packets received on untrusted ports.
Clears the total number of neighbor discovery messages received and the number of packets discarded after ND inspection.

Privileged EXEC mode

Global configuration mode

VRF configuration mode

This command can be used in three different modes as shown in the examples. If used without specifying a VRF, this command clears data from the default VRF.

The following example removes the manually configured static ND inspect entries.

device# clear ipv6 neighbor inspection static-entry

The following example removes the manually configured static ND inspect entries on a VRF.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# vrf vrf2
device(config-vrf-vrf2)# clear ipv6 neighbor vrf vrf2 inspection static-entry

The following example deletes the ND inspection statistics.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# clear ipv6 neighbor inspection statistics

The following example deletes the ND inspection statistics on a VRF.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# clear ipv6 neighbor vrf vrf2 inspection statistics
Release version Command history
08.0.20 This command was introduced.