Displays PIM Sparse configuration information for IPv6, including whether the hardware-drop feature is enabled or disabled, information for PIM SSM range ACL configuration, and route-precedence settings.

show ipv6 pim [ vrf vrf-name ] sparse
vrf vrf-name
Displays IPv6 PIM information for a virtual routing and forwarding instance (VRF).

User EXEC mode

The show ipv6 pim sparse command displays the following information:

Output Field


Global PIM Sparse mode settings

Maximum mcache

Maximum number of multicast cache entries.

Current Count

Number of multicast cache entries used.

Hello interval

How frequently the device sends IPv6 PIM Sparse hello messages to its IPv6 PIM Sparse neighbors. This field shows the number of seconds between hello messages. IPv6 PIM Sparse routers use hello messages to discover one another.

Neighbor timeout

Number of seconds the device waits for a hello message from a neighbor before determining that the neighbor is no longer present and is not removing cached IPv6 PIM Sparse forwarding entries for the neighbor. Default is 105 seconds.

Join or Prune interval

How frequently the device sends IPv6 PIM Sparse Join or Prune messages for the multicast groups it is forwarding. This field shows the number of seconds between Join or Prune messages.

The device sends Join or Prune messages on behalf of multicast receivers that want to join or leave an IPv6 PIM Sparse group. When forwarding packets from IPv6 PIM Sparse sources, the device sends the packets only on the interfaces on which it has received join requests in Join or Prune messages for the source group.

Inactivity interval

Number of seconds a forwarding entry can remain unused before the router deletes it. Default is 180 sec.

Hardware Drop Enabled

Indicates whether hardware drop is enabled or disabled.

To prevent unwanted multicast traffic from being sent to the CPU, PIM Routing and Passive Multicast Route Insertion (PMRI) can be used together to ensure that multicast streams are only forwarded out ports with interested receivers and unwanted traffic is dropped in the hardware on Layer 3 Switches.

Prune Wait Interval

Number of seconds a PIM device waits before stopping traffic to neighbor devices that do not want the traffic. Range is from zero to three seconds. Default is three seconds.

Bootstrap Msg interval

How frequently the BSR configured on the device sends the RP set to the RPs within the IPv6 PIM Sparse domain. The RP set is a list of candidate RPs and their group prefixes. The group prefix of a candidate RP indicates the range of IPv6 PIM Sparse group numbers for which it can be an RP.

Note: This field contains a value only if an interface on the device is elected to be the BSR. Otherwise, the field is blank.

Candidate-RP Msg interval

Number of seconds the candidate RP configured on the Layer 3 switch sends candidate RP advertisement messages to the BSR. Default is 60 seconds.

Register Suppress Time

This is the mean interval between receiving a Register-Stop and allowing

registers to be sent again. A lower value means more frequent register bursts at RP, while a higher value means longer join latency for new receivers. Default: 60 seconds.

Register Probe Time

Number of seconds the PIM router waits for a register-stop from an RP before it generates another NULL register to the PIM RP. Default is 10 seconds.

Register Stop Delay

Register stop message. Default is 10 seconds.

Register Suppress interval

Number of seconds that it takes the designated router to send Register-encapsulated data to the RP after receiving a Register-Stop message. Default is 60 seconds.

SSM Enabled

If yes, source-specific multicast is configured globally on this router.

SPT threshold

Number of packets the device sends using the path through the RP before switching to the SPT path. Default is 1 packet.

SSM Group Range

Source-specific multicast group range.

Route Precedence

The route precedence configured to control the selection of routes based on the four route types:
  • Non-default route from the mRTM
  • Default route from the mRTM
  • Non-default route from the uRTM
  • Default route from the uRTM

Embedded RP Enabled

Indicates whether the embedded RP is enabled or disabled.

The following example shows whether the hardware-drop feature has been enabled or disabled.

device> show ipv6 pim sparse 

Global PIM Sparse Mode Settings
  Maximum Mcache         : 4096        Current Count              : 7
  Hello interval         : 30          Neighbor timeout           : 105
  Join/Prune interval    : 60          Inactivity interval        : 180
  Hardware Drop Enabled  : Yes         Prune Wait Interval        : 3
  Bootstrap Msg interval : 60          Candidate-RP Msg interval  : 60
  Register Suppress Time : 60          Register Probe Time        : 10
  Register Stop Delay    : 10          Register Suppress interval : 60
  SSM Enabled            : Yes         SPT Threshold              : 1
  SSM Group Range        : ff3x::/32  
  Route Precedence       : mc-non-default mc-default uc-non-default uc-default
  Embedded RP Enabled    : Yes

The following example shows IPv6 PIM Sparse configuration information.

device> show ipv6 pim sparse 

Global PIM Sparse Mode Settings
  Maximum Mcache         : 4096        Current Count              : 7
  Hello interval         : 30          Neighbor timeout           : 105
  Join/Prune interval    : 60          Inactivity interval        : 180
  Hardware Drop Enabled  : Yes         Prune Wait Interval        : 3
  Bootstrap Msg interval : 60          Candidate-RP Msg interval  : 60
  Register Suppress Time : 60          Register Probe Time        : 10
  Register Stop Delay    : 10          Register Suppress interval : 60
  SSM Enabled            : Yes         SPT Threshold              : 1
  SSM Group Range        : ff3x::/32  
  Route Precedence       : mc-non-default mc-default uc-non-default uc-default
  Embedded RP Enabled    : Yes

The following examples show the route precedence settings depending on the route-precedence configuration:

device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# route-precedence mc-non-default mc-default uc-non-default uc-default 
device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# show ipv6 pim sparse

Global PIM Sparse Mode Settings
  Maximum Mcache           : 12992      Current Count               	: 2
  Hello interval           : 30         Neighbor timeout           	 : 105
  Join/Prune interval      : 60         Inactivity interval        	 : 180
  Hardware Drop Enabled    : Yes        Prune Wait Interval         	: 3
  Bootstrap Msg interval   : 60         Candidate-RP Msg interval   	: 60
  Register Suppress Time   : 60         Register Probe Time         	: 10
  Register Stop Delay      : 10         Register Suppress interval 	 : 60
  SSM Enabled              : No         SPT Threshold              	 : 1         
  Route Precedence         : mc-non-default mc-default uc-non-default uc-default
  Embedded RP Enabled      : Yes    
device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# route-precedence admin-distance
device(config-ipv6-pim-router)# show ipv6 pim sparse

Global PIM Sparse Mode Settings
  Maximum Mcache           : 12992      Current Count               	: 2
  Hello interval           : 30         Neighbor timeout           	 : 105
  Join/Prune interval      : 60         Inactivity interval        	 : 180
  Hardware Drop Enabled    : Yes        Prune Wait Interval         	: 3
  Bootstrap Msg interval   : 60         Candidate-RP Msg interval   	: 60
  Register Suppress Time   : 60         Register Probe Time         	: 10
  Register Stop Delay      : 10         Register Suppress interval 	 : 60
  SSM Enabled              : No         SPT Threshold              	 : 1         
  Route Precedence         : admin-distance
  Embedded RP Enabled      : Yes