Uploads a copy of the running configuration file from a FastIron device to an SCP server.

copy running-config scp { ipv4-address | ipv4-hostname | ipv6 { ipv6-address | ipv6-hostname } outgoing-interface { ethernet stackid/slot/port | ve ve-number } } [ public-key { dsa | rsa } ] [ remote-port ] remote-filename
Specifies the IPV4 address of the SCP server.
Specifies the IP hostname of the SCP server.
Specifies the IPV6 address method for SCP file transfer.
Specifies the IPV6 address of the SCP server. You must specify this address in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons, as documented in RFC 2373.
Specifies the IPv6 hostname of the SCP server.
Specifies the interface to be used to reach the remote host.
ethernet stackid/slot/port
Configures an Ethernet interface as the outgoing interface.
ve ve-number
Configures a virtual interface (VE) as the outgoing interface.
Specifies the type of public key authentication to use for the connection, either digital signature algorithm (DSA) or Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) . If you do not configure this parameter, the default authentication type is password.
Specifies DSA as the public key authentication.
Specifies RSA as the public key authentication.
Specifies the remote port number for the TCP connection.
Specifies the name of the file in the SCP server that is going to be uploaded. You can specify up to 127 characters for the filename.

Privileged EXEC mode

You are prompted for username and password when you configure this command.

The following example uploads a copy of the running configuration file from a FastIron device to a SCP server:

device# copy running-config scp runConfig
Release version Command history
08.0.20 This command was introduced.