Displays the VLAN information.

show vlan [ vlan-id [ num ] | brief { ethernet unit/slot/port | lag lag-id } | ethernet unit/slot/port | lag lag-id ]
Specifies the VLAN ID.
Specifies the number of Layer 3 VLAN entries to skip before the display begins.
Displays the VLAN information summary.
ethernet unit/slot/port
Specifies the Ethernet port for which you want to view VLAN details.
lag lag-id
Specifies the LAG virtual interface.

User EXEC mode

Privileged EXEC mode

Global configuration mode

VLAN configuration mode

The show vlan brief command displays the following information:

Output field Description
System-max vlan Params The system maximum VLAN values (maximum, default, and current).
Default vlan Id The default VLAN ID number.
Total Number of Vlan Configured The total number of VLANs configured on the device.
VLANs Configured The VLAN ID numbers of the VLANs configured on the device.
Untagged VLAN The number of untagged VLANs.

The following example shows the VLAN information for a specific VLAN.

device> show vlan 101

Total PORT-VLAN entries: 3
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 4095

Legend: [Stk=Stack-Id, S=Slot]

PORT-VLAN 101, Name mvrp_vlan101, Type dynamic, Priority level0, in single spanning tree domain
 Untagged Ports: None
   Tagged Ports: None
 Mac-Vlan Ports: None
  Dynamic Ports: (U1/M1)  13  33 
  Dynamic Ports: (U2/M1)  13  31 
  Dynamic Ports: (U3/M1)  11  21 
  Dynamic Ports: (LAG)     1 
     Monitoring: Disabled

The following example shows the output of the show vlan command.

device> show vlan

Total PORT-VLAN entries: 4
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 4060
Legend: [Stk=Stack-Unit, S=Slot]
PORT-VLAN 1, Name DEFAULT-VLAN, Priority level0, Spanning tree On
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S2) 1  2
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Monitoring: Disabled
PORT-VLAN 10, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree On
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 1
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Monitoring: Enabled
PORT-VLAN 20, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree On
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 2
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Monitoring: Disabled

The following example shows the output of the show vlan brief command.

device> show vlan brief

System-max vlan Params: Max(4095) Default(1024) Current(1024)
Default vlan Id :4000
Total Number of VLANs :3

Total Number of Vlan Configured :2
VLANs Configured :4000 4094

Total Number of Dynamic VLANs :1
Dynamic VLANs :101 		

The following example shows the output of the port-based show vlan brief ethernet command. The output indicates the membership type of the VLAN.

device(config-if-e1000-1/1/5)# show vlan brief ethernet 1/1/5
Port 1/1/5 is a member of 11 VLANs
VLANs 100 to 110 
Untagged VLAN  	: <empty>
Tagged VLANs	: 100 to 110

The following example shows the output of the port-based show vlan brief ethernet command for a flexible authentication port.

device> show vlan brief ethernet 1/1/12

Port 1/1/2 is a member of 12 VLANs
VLANs 1 to 11
Untagged VLAN  : 1
Tagged   VLANs : 2 to 4 
Dynamic VLANs: 5 to 11
Release version Command history
08.0.50 This command was modified to display the VLAN membership type in the show vlan brief ethernet command output.
08.0.61 This command was modified to add the lag lag-id option.
08.0.70 The show vlan brief ethernet command was modified to display the VLAN membership type.
08.0.90 The command was modified to display dynamic VLANs and ports created by MVRP.