show vlan
- Last UpdatedSep 23, 2020
- 3 minutes read
Displays the VLAN information.
| Specifies the VLAN ID.
| Specifies the number of Layer 3 VLAN entries to skip before the display begins.
| Displays the VLAN information summary.
| Specifies the Ethernet port for which you want to view VLAN details.
| Specifies the LAG virtual interface.
User EXEC mode
Privileged EXEC mode
Global configuration mode
VLAN configuration mode
The show vlan brief command displays the following information:
Output field | Description |
System-max vlan Params | The system maximum VLAN values (maximum, default, and current). |
Default vlan Id | The default VLAN ID number. |
Total Number of Vlan Configured | The total number of VLANs configured on the device. |
VLANs Configured | The VLAN ID numbers of the VLANs configured on the device. |
Untagged VLAN | The number of untagged VLANs. |
The following example shows the VLAN information for a specific VLAN.
device> show vlan 101
Total PORT-VLAN entries: 3
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 4095
Legend: [Stk=Stack-Id, S=Slot]
PORT-VLAN 101, Name mvrp_vlan101, Type dynamic, Priority level0, in single spanning tree domain
Untagged Ports: None
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Dynamic Ports: (U1/M1) 13 33
Dynamic Ports: (U2/M1) 13 31
Dynamic Ports: (U3/M1) 11 21
Dynamic Ports: (LAG) 1
Monitoring: Disabled
The following example shows the output of the show vlan command.
device> show vlan
Total PORT-VLAN entries: 4
Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 4060
Legend: [Stk=Stack-Unit, S=Slot]
PORT-VLAN 1, Name DEFAULT-VLAN, Priority level0, Spanning tree On
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S2) 1 2
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Monitoring: Disabled
PORT-VLAN 10, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree On
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 1
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Monitoring: Enabled
PORT-VLAN 20, Name [None], Priority level0, Spanning tree On
Untagged Ports: (Stk0/S1) 2
Tagged Ports: None
Mac-Vlan Ports: None
Monitoring: Disabled
The following example shows the output of the show vlan brief command.
device> show vlan brief
System-max vlan Params: Max(4095) Default(1024) Current(1024)
Default vlan Id :4000
Total Number of VLANs :3
Total Number of Vlan Configured :2
VLANs Configured :4000 4094
Total Number of Dynamic VLANs :1
Dynamic VLANs :101
The following example shows the output of the port-based show vlan brief ethernet command. The output indicates the membership type of the VLAN.
device(config-if-e1000-1/1/5)# show vlan brief ethernet 1/1/5
Port 1/1/5 is a member of 11 VLANs
VLANs 100 to 110
Untagged VLAN : <empty>
Tagged VLANs : 100 to 110
The following example shows the output of the port-based show vlan brief ethernet command for a flexible authentication port.
device> show vlan brief ethernet 1/1/12
Port 1/1/2 is a member of 12 VLANs
VLANs 1 to 11
Untagged VLAN : 1
Tagged VLANs : 2 to 4
Dynamic VLANs: 5 to 11
Release version | Command history |
08.0.50 | This command was modified to display the VLAN membership type in the show vlan brief ethernet command output. |
08.0.61 | This command was modified to add the lag lag-id option. |
08.0.70 | The show vlan brief ethernet command was modified to display the VLAN membership type. |
08.0.90 | The command was modified to display dynamic VLANs and ports created by MVRP. |