Displays information on IPv6 multicast routes. You can specify displaying information either from static or connected mroutes or from a particular mroute.

show ipv6 mroute [vrf vrf-name ] { ipv6-address ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | static | connect | summary }
vrf vrf-name
Specifies displaying mroutes for a particular VRF.
ipv6-address ipv6-prefix/prefix-length
Displays an IPv6 mroute for the specified destination.
Displays only static multicast routes.
Displays only connected multicast routes.
Displays summary information.

Privileged EXEC mode

The following example displays information for IPv6 multicast routes:

Device(config)# show ipv6 mroute
IPv6 Routing Table - 7 entries:
Type Codes - B:BGP C:Connected S:Static
Type IPv6 Prefix           Next Hop Router    Interface     Dis/Metric     Uptime
S    1:1::1:0/120          ::                 ve 90         1/1            2d16h
C    2090::/64             ::                 ve 90         0/0            6d21h
C    2100::/64             ::                 ve 100        0/0            1d21h
C    2110::/64             ::                 ve 110        0/0            1d21h
C    2120::/64             ::                 ve 120        0/0            1d21h
C    2130::/64             ::                 ve 130        0/0            6d21h
C    8811::1/128           ::                 loopback 1    0/0            6d21h

The following example displays information for static IPv6 multicast routes:

Device(config)# show ipv6 mroute static
Type Codes - B:BGP C:Connected S:Static
Type IPv6 Prefix           Next Hop Router    Interface     Dis/Metric     Uptime
S    1:1::1:0/120          ::                 ve 90         1/1            2d16h

The following example displays information for directly attached (connected) IPv6 multicast routes:

Device(config)#show ipv6 mroute connect
Type Codes - B:BGP C:Connected S:Static
Type IPv6 Prefix           Next Hop Router    Interface     Dis/Metric     Uptime
C    2090::/64             ::                 ve 90         0/0            6d21h
C    2100::/64             ::                 ve 100        0/0            1d21h
C    2110::/64             ::                 ve 110        0/0            1d21h
C    2120::/64             ::                 ve 120        0/0            1d21h
C    2130::/64             ::                 ve 130        0/0            6d21h
C    8811::1/128           ::                 loopback 1    0/0            6d21h

The following example displays information for IPv6 multicast route 2090::1:

Device(config)# show ipv6 mroute 2090::1
Type Codes - B:BGP C:Connected S:Static
Type IPv6 Prefix           Next Hop Router    Interface     Dis/Metric     Uptime
C    2090::/64             ::                 ve 90         0/0            6d21h
Release version Command history
08.0.10a This command was introduced.