Configures the idle time for a serial console session.

console timeout time
no console timeout time

By default, an ICX device does not time out serial console sessions.

The time a serial session can remain idle before it is timed out, in minutes. The valid range is from 0 through 240. The default value is 0 (no timeout).

Global configuration mode

Stacking configuration mode

A serial session remains open indefinitely until you close it. You can define how many minutes a serial management session can remain idle before it is timed out.
Note: You must enable AAA support for console commands, AAA authentication, and EXEC authorization to set the console idle time.
Note: In RADIUS, the standard attribute Idle-Timeout is used to define the console session timeout value. The attribute Idle-Timeout value is specified in seconds. Within the switch, the idle-Timeout value is truncated to the nearest minute, because the switch configuration is defined in minutes.

You can also configure the console timeout (in minutes) on all stack units (including the Active Controller).

The no form of the command removes the timeout settings.

The following example shows how to configure the console session timeout as 10 minutes.

device(config)# console timeout 10

The following example shows how to configure the console timeout on a stack unit.

device(config)# stack unit 3
device(config-unit-3)# console timeout 5