Displays information about multicast listening discovery (MLD) traffic.

show ipv6 mld [ vrf vrf-name ] traffic
vrf vrf-name
Displays information for the specified VRF instance.

User EXEC mode

The show ipv6 mld traffic command displays the following information:

Output Field



Number of general MLDv1 queries received or sent by the virtual routing interface.


Number of general MLDv2 queries received or sent by the virtual routing interface.


Number of group-specific queries received or sent by the virtual routing interface.


Number of source specific queries received or sent by the virtual routing interface.


Number of MLDv1 membership reports received.


Number of MLDv2 membership reports received.


Number of MLDv1 "leave" messages on the interface. (See 2_Ex for MLDv2.)


Number of source addresses that were included in the traffic.


Number of source addresses that were excluded in the traffic.


Number of times the interface mode changed from exclude to include.


Number of times the interface mode changed from include to exclude.


Number of times that additional source addresses were allowed or denied on the interface.


Number of times that sources were removed from an interface.

total q_threshold_drop_count:

Counter is displayed when multicast control packets are dropped due to the high rate of multicast control packets received in a short period of time.

total max_group_drop_count

Displays the total number of group reports ignored due to the max limit configuration for the ipv6 mld max-group-address command.

The following example shows MLD traffic.

device> show ipv6 mld traffic

 Port     QryV1 QryV2 G-Qry GSQry MbrV1 MbrV2 Leave IsIN  IsEX ToIN ToEX ALLO BLK
 e3/1/10     0     0     0     0     0 14248     0     0    0 9111 5137    0    0
 lg100       0     3     0     0     0     0     0     0    0    0    0    0    0
 *** total q_threshold_drop_count: 7674, 7674(all VRFs)
 *** total max_group_drop_count: 3814   

 Port     QryV1 QryV2 G-Qry GSQry
 e1/1/10     0   701     0     0
 e3/1/10     0   699  7879     0
 lg100       0   701     0     0
Release version Command history
08.0.90 The output of this command was modified to display the drop counts and the total number of group reports ignored due to the maximum limit configuration for the ipv6 mld max-group-address command.