Displays rendezvous-point (RP)-to-group mapping information.

show ipv6 pim [ vrf vrf-name ] rp-map
vrf vrf-name
Displays information for the specified VRF instance.

User EXEC mode

The show ipv6 pim rp-map command displays the following information:

Output Field



The index number of the table entry in the display.

Group address

Indicates the IPv6 PIM Sparse multicast group address using the listed RP.

RP address

Indicates the Iv6 address of the RP for the listed PIM Sparse group.

The following example shows RP-to-group mapping.

device #show ipv6 pim rp-map
Number of group-to-RP mappings: 3
S.No  Group address   RP address
1     ff07::c:1       3200:12::32
2     ff07::c:2       3200:12::32
3     ff07::c:3       3200:12::32
Number of group-to-RP mappings: 3