Clears cluster-specific MAC addresses.

clear mac-address cluster { cluster-name | cluster-id } [ vlan vlan-id ] [ client [ client-name ] ] [ local | remote ]
Clears the cluster MAC address entries for the cluster identified by the cluster name.
Clears the cluster MAC address entries for the cluster identified by the cluster ID.
vlan vlan-id
Clears the VLAN ID for which you want to clear the MAC address.
client client-name
Clears cluster client MAC address entries.
Clears the MAC addresses local to the cluster.
Clears the MAC addressses remote to the cluster.

Privileged EXEC mode

Global configuration mode

Cluster configuration mode

The following example shows how to clear cluster-specific MAC addresses.

device# clear mac-address cluster AGG-1 local

The following example shows how to clear a MAC address for cluster client for a specific VLAN ID.

device# clear mac-address cluster AGG-1 vlan 1 local

The following example shows how to clear MAC address for cluster client.

device# clear mac-address cluster AGG-1 vlan 2 client 1 local